Friends, we are just months away. In some ways that's an eternity. Forever to step foot on the ground at the carepoint and see the trampled dirt against the vibrant African sky. Forever to look curiously at a child as he quizzically investigates just who and/or what you are. Forever to run with, laugh with, play with, and embrace those kiddos. And on the other hand, just months away seems more like moments than months. Just moments to gather donations, purchase supplies, and pack them all into massive duffle bags on the verge of bursting, but still within the 'recommended' weight allowance. Just mere moments to plan activities, develop crafts, and master playful and occasionally humiliating hand motions. Just moments, and yet so distant.
It is a joy, to live in the anticipation of what is to come while embracing the chaos of what is. It's fun. It's exciting. To interact with fourteen other people, moving in and out of committees, working together as one, and growing individually.
Our team is in full swing now. No more learning names. We know each other now. Now, amongst the tasks and checklists we are learning how to laugh with each other. We are learning how to help each other, to interact with each other and how to love one another, so we can love Mkhombokati more... together.
This team will leave Capital, travel half-way across the globe to interact and build relationship with a community that is very much a part of our own right here in Salt Lake City. And you, Capital, Mkhombokati, world, should know who we are and why we are doing all this. Who the ambassadors of this community are.
Check out the team and our biographies here. As you read about us, who we are, why we are going, what we hope to see and do, please, if you feel led, pray for us and continue to pray for us over the next few months as we prepare, go, and return. Pray for our health and safety. Pray for our energy and strength. Pray for the logistics and preparations. Pray for our unity. Pray for our special friends in Mkhombokati. Pray for the missionaries and D-Team. Pray that God would be alive and thriving in and amongst all of us and that love, God's love, would prevail in and through us.
Thanks friends. Grace and Peace.
The Mhkombokati CarePoint serves approximately 200 children, many of whom are orphans and specifically rely on the CarePoint for food. Over the years, several short-term mission teams from Capital have traveled to Mkhombokati, bringing thousands of pounds of supplies and bringing back knowledge – learning from the children and adults on the ground what their needs truly are and how we can help them most effectively.

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