Here we are! And we leave next Saturday morning at 7am – bound for Swaziland, Africa.
This group is the seventh mission team in just about that many years to be traveling to our friends at Mkhombokati. We are honored to represent Capital. All two thousand or so pounds are packed and ready to go and after many months, we are too.
It is a privilege to love and play and teach the children so many of you sponsor. And so know that your arms and hearts extend through ours next week. We would appreciate your prayers throughout this process we’ll regularly post our status and stories and prayer requests here.
Thank you to everyone that has given time, resources and prayer to this mission and to this ministry.
We have planned this trip to provide both the word through teaching and discipleship activities we have planned as well as the deed through some physical projects.

We are especially excited to work on the homes of the women who serve and care and cook for our 200 sponsored kids. Last year, we were shocked to see one of their homes and learn that Make Sibongile and seven children lived here. Sibongile would stay up all night, holding up a blanket when it rained to try and keep the children dry. We asked the Capital community for $8,000 last fall to build her a home and your generosity allowed this to happen.

When the house was finished, Sibongile told the missionary team in Swaziland, “I’ve lost words to express my thankfulness for the help that I have received from the Capital Church and may God bless each one of them and their families. I never thought I would own a modern house like this one. I now feel free because storm and rains are not going to bother me anymore.”
Free. She feels free.
Will you help us allow the other 4 women to feel this freedom? We ask for your financial support for this “Open Doors Movement.”