Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Pickaxes and Paint Brushes
By Capital Swazi / Posted on 3:42 PM /
Team Update, May 13, 2014
What a long and productive day we had! The 2014 Swazi Team stepped onto Mkhobokati this morning for the first time. After greeting the makes and the care point staff, the team shared a short devotional before beginning the day’s activities. Soon, the team split up to paint the outside of Make Shoba’s new house, help dig a new foundation for Make Shongwe’s new house, and stay back at the care point to hold, love and play with the preschoolers.
After lunch, the VBS began in earnest with worship songs complete with Travis’s guitar playing and Bridget’s hand movements. As they did last year, the kids loved the “Hippopotamus Song.” There was a short message conveying our theme, Let Your Light Shine, and then we gave each child a t-shirt and a card from their special friend (sponsor).
We ended the afternoon with three home visits: Matt, Tyler and Kelly & Shelli got to see the homesteads of their special friends. Our evening was spent eating dinner and having fellowship and worship with local missionaries at the home of Steve and Amy Mc Adams. (Wow, were the oatmeal cookies great!) It was such a full day! We planned what we’ll be doing tomorrow, and now most of us will take a much-needed shower before falling fast asleep. Goodnight everyone! Pictures will be posted soon!